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5 Ways to Grow Your Brand

Are you nurturing your brand as well as your plant babies?

Our businesses need regular lovin’ just like our green leafy friends do. Here are five steps for brand growth:

  1. A GOOD POT // You’re not going to put your fave new palm in a cheap plastic pot, so think about your aesthetics and intentions when deciding on where and how to present your brand.Cohesive branding, like a good pot, is what holds it all together. These guidelines will encompass your business, from your site to your cards to your colors, voice, and where you choose to show up both online and in person.
  2. HEALTHY SOIL // Underneath all those pretty leaves, there is a whole ecosystem at play to keep your biz grounded. This is where the roots of your brand story will thrive.Fill your pot with a rich network to include your website and social media accounts that will fuel your business and encourage growth.
  3. LOTS OF SUNSHINE // Position your brand where it will be in the most light and reap the benefits. Just as your bird of paradise needs a big window, your shop needs a bright spot.If all your sunshiny clients are on Instagram, show up in their feeds. If your crowd loves local markets, participate in live events. Put your biz where your people are and let it soak up the love. Promoting your biz can be that simple. No one will see your leafy bebe if you don’t show it to them.
  4. PLENTY OF WATER // Even a desert cactus requires water from time to time. Consider smart systems and habits the water your shop needs to survive because they are key to nourishing a growing brand.Prioritizing what your business needs most and having methods in place to make it happen are essential. Email templates, content calendars, and time blocks are all simple systems to get started for regular maintenance.
  5. PATIENCE // Your fiddle leaf fig isn’t going to sprout three feet overnight. And that’s okay. Enjoy all the new growth as it comes. And with proper nurturing, it will come.

Even if you’ve had your business for awhile, it never hurts to double back and make sure it’s getting all the nutrients necessary. As we change, the needs of our shops do too. Maybe a new pot or a brighter window is just the fix for extra growth. And you know how exciting it is to see a shiny new leaf rise up!

Happy brand-tending to you! Have questions? Not sure what your biz needs most? Leave a comment or message me directly. I’d love to help you out.

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