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Entrepreneurship, Projects

Introducing: BrandShine School!

Have I lost my mind?

In short, no. But also… MAYBE?! I’m kidding, of course, but truly, had you asked me last year if I’d be starting a brand new membership program today, I’d have thought you had lost yours! 

So what changed? How’d I get here? And why’d I create the BrandShine School for you?!

Lemme tell you!

I started my brand agency, ARAY, back in 2018. I had just left my full-time job and I was juggling a side gig making jewelry, so I initially worked with a lot other artisans to create branding that reflected their unique style. I soon added brand and product photography into the mix, which allowed me to serve my clients in more of a whole package approach.

Over the last five years, I’ve been able to help women entrepreneurs across the board, from ladies just finding their footing to bosses bringing in six/seven figures.

I am grateful that I get to enjoy – love, even – the work I do! What I don’t love though… the anxiety, the comparison, and the isolation that can often accompany entrepreneurship. And more so, I hate to see friends or clients dealing with any of it unnecessarily.

I have experienced firsthand probably ALL of the emotions, thoughts, and hurdles along the way, especially navigating business as a perfectionist. I’ve also worked really damn hard to develop the mindset and skills to not let them hold me back.

A couple of years ago, I joined my first group coaching program. It wasn’t until working with my current coach though, did the thought of ME coaching become a possibility. I joined her certification program thinking it would help me show up more confidently and help my clients on a deeper level, but I didn’t actually see myself becoming a “Coach.”

As I write this, it still feels a little surreal, but I graduated with a 💯 and legit AM a certified coach now! It was during the program that we started bouncing ideas around and I realized that actually, brand vision coaching is in total alignment – not only with my agency, but my vision and my passion to support + promote others!

And so here I am: just a girl standing in front of you, asking you to let me help you. Because I’ve been where you are and I know the difference that having support + community + guidance can make!

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