Sharing inspo, talking shop, + cheering you on

the blog

Have I lost my mind? In short, no. But also… MAYBE?! I’m kidding, of course, but truly, had you asked me last year if I’d be starting a brand new membership program today, I’d have thought you had lost yours!  So what changed? How’d I get here? And why’d I create the BrandShine School for […]

Pretty desk with open laptop and lamp.


Entrepreneurship, Projects

Introducing: BrandShine School!

It can be hard to fully let go of work and enjoy time off, whether it be an afternoon or a week, but sometimes the secret to productivity is taking a break. And that’s not anything we should feel guilty about. Between our work schedules, daily life events, and the stream of content we subscribe […]

fan palm in beach backyard



The Secret to Productivity

I read an article recently that listed the #1 productivity hack as waking up at 4:30am. Well, I can tell you that won’t be me. I’m more of a late morning — even an afternoon — gal. I’ve never been a morning person and my evenings of being a night owl have waned. So if […]


Entrepreneurship, How to

How to be Productive

your daily dose of inspiration